Coastal Path

Coastal Path

Sunday 18 March 2007

One week today and I will have done my first days walk, which I find a bit scary! This time last year my legs had been severely weakened by the chemo and steroids and I struggled to get around, especially climbing stairs, which I could only do by clinging onto the bannister. Now I am planning to walk up and down cliff paths, albeit with the help of walking poles and my walking companion and friend Pat! The weather today here has been a real mixture of sunshine, sleet, hail and even snow flurries, with a very cold strong wind, nothing to make the walk appear particularly appealing.

As it was Mothering Sunday my husband and boys spoilt me, before we set off for Sunday Mass, where I was given alot of encouragement and support, as well as further sponsorship. I now have over £1,000 pledged and so there is no turning back. I need to go and check my kit for the walk and make a list of things I need to get, (ie sunscreen) as there are not many days to get things sorted. I also need to phone Pat as we need to sort out our training walk tomorrow. I think we will be going up and down steps again to prepare us for all the ascents/descents we will need to do on the walk. Had better get on!

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